Welcome to the Recycle for Wishes Blog!
Keep up-to-date on our reycling and donating efforts!
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Sophia and Allison Present the Recycle4Wishes Business Plan
October 28, 2020Click the image to watch Sophia and Allison present Recycle4Wishes at the 2020 Hogan Nonprofit Business Plan Competition.Tune into the end of the video to hear the organizers and judges' feedback!Watch on YouTube
Dennis Rademacher is the Recycle4Wishes leader for the second year in a row! Big mahalo to Uncle Dennis at the team at Fletcher Jones Mercedes for being recycling leaders!

Recycle4Wishes Featured on Living808 with Make-A-Wish Hawaii
January 22, 2021
Watch our interview on Living808! We talked about how Recycle4Wishes started and about our first donation to the Make-A-Wish foundation.To read more about our interview visit KHON2's website:

Make-A-Wish Interview Recycle 4 Wishes
January 13, 2021Make-A-Wish was kind enough to interview Recycle4Wishes!
Recycle for Wishes Congratulates Dennis Rademacher for being the Top Contributor of recyclables for 2020!The Recycle for Wishes team is so proud of Mr Rademacher and his team at Mercedes for their serious commitment to keeping plastic out of our ...

2020 Non-Profit Business Plan Competition Honorary Student Finalist
December 4, 2020Recycle4Wishes is so thankful to the judges of the Hogan Entrepreneurs Program, American Savings Bank, and Chaminade University for considering our entry and the award and cash prize.Dear Sophia and Allison,On behalf of the leadership of Chaminade...

First Load from Mercedes!
March 19, 2020
Allison and I are with Uncle Dennis from Mercedes, picking up our first load of recyclables!

Oahu Club Joins Recycle4Wishes
March 5, 2020
We are very happy to have Oahu Club join Recycle for Wishes. Robin at Oahu Club and her staff are very excited to recycle all the cans and bottles from their events and customers. Robin was also nice enough to buy her own bins. Here are some pict...

Recycling Bins Installed at Roy's Restaurant!
December 2, 2019
We went to Roy’s to give bins to help them start a recycling program. I was very excited Uncle Zameer was willing to help and we setup 2 bins to get them started!

Recycle4Wishes at Tesla Honolulu
November 2, 2019
Aunty Marie and Jonathan and Melissa at Tesla have been helping donate recyclables for a few months. Today we gave them their new bins!

Thank You to Reynolds Recycling
November 2, 2019
I also want to thank Uncles Terry and Landon at Reynolds Recycling for donating bags for our bins. I hope we can help them recycle more cans and bottles.

Recycling Bins Installed at Mercedes!
November 2, 2019
Today we went to Mercedes and Tesla. I dropped off recycling bins for cans, bottles and plastic. I want to thank Uncle Dennis at Mercedes and Aunty Marie at Tesla Ala Moana for being my first businesses for Recyle4Wishes.Here are some pictures of...

How We Started Recycle4Wishes
November 1, 2019Hi my name is Sophia and I’m about to tell you the story of Recycle4Wishes.
The story begins when I was at school. My PE teacher was raising money to dig a well in Africa. So, this gave me an idea to have a recycling program where all the money g...